Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > eating Jesus and the Formless > Page 4


Eating Jesus

Form into Formless & Formless into Form

Page 4

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Next, the Christian asked the Sage...

Is it possible I might accept the Formless and cease worshipping Jesus altogether? I don't want to lose him.

If you can find him, good; if you can't find him, good. Either way, you can't lose him.

* * *

where is
where not

in the Gospel of Thomas...
lift the rock, I'm there

is this only Jesus
is not Christ

that Christ
is more
does not mean Jesus
is less

more and less
are in the Harmony

One does not make
two less
than One

two is two

the rock
is a rock
and not less

meaning the rock
is a buddha
not less

look deeply enough
into the Heart of Jesus
and you see lovers everywhere

look deeply enough
into the Smile of the Buddha
you see a world of buddhas

holding up the Mirror
what seen
this-and-that and

* * *

©️ Brian Wilcox, 2020

Brian can be contacted at briankwilcox@gmx.com; his book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, is available through major online booksellers, including Amazon and Books-A-Million, or via the publisher, AuthorHouse.

References: *Sufi guide to Irina Tweedie, in her Daughter of Fire, in Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism. *Story from Rumi of "Tears in Prayer," see Rumi. The Book of Rumi. Trans. Maryam Mafi.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > eating Jesus and the Formless > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2025